Laser Welding
The LASER-welding process uses this high density energy, supplied in short periods of time, to rapidly, almost instantaneously, brings the metal to its melting point, reducing thermal stress to the minimum and creating smaller, cleaner, deeper, and better quality welding spots when compared to those obtained by using traditional welding techniques.
The main advantages of welding by LASER, in addition to neatness and precision, are:
• High working speed
• Minimum thermal stress to metals
• Excellent superficial appearance of welding
• Manageable in depth penetration
• Very high mechanical resistance
Laser writer
The LASER Markers, conventionally definable as solid-state sourced LASERs , emit an infrared light with a wavelength of 1064nm. However, unlike welding LASERs, the active LASER medium is not a synthetic crystal, but a piece of fiber doped of Ytterbium.
After being intensely photo stimulated by a series of pumping diodes, the fiber generates a LASER beam, which due to its extraordinary high conduction capacity, is transported to the point of delivery, where it is released coherently without undergoing significant modification or distortion.
OROTIGLASER-markers with power from 20W up to 50W, can be defined as "All Fiber LASERs", given that all significant components, such as the Active Fiber, the Fiber Combiners and the Diodes, are integrated with the Main Fiber, are totally immune from typical problems such as the possible misalignment of optical components, which often leads to a loss of power.
This system of merging of optical components allows the equipment to operate without requiring any type of realignment procedure for those same components, with a lifespan of up to 30,000 hours of operation.
Extremely compact, efficient and virtually maintenance free, fiber-sourced LASERs boast superior quality and more precise beams with respect to crystal-sourced LASERs.
Thanks to all these features, the LASER generated by fiber is used for improved quality in cutting and marking operations and for applications requiring extreme precision even if with a high level of work complexity.